Friday, October 10, 2008

I Can't Believe It!

Shane and I were both convinced that once again, it just hadn't happened. I have had no symptoms. In hindsight, I've been a bit more tired, but not so much that it seems out of the ordinary. In fact, all last week, I had the worst sleep of my life. One night, I got up at 3 a.m. to use the bathroom and could not go back to sleep. So, I made a pot of tea and knit. It was actually really nice to have all that quiet alone time.

Anyhoo, as of today, I'm three days late. We were going to wait until I was 6 days late because I've been 5 days late before. But I just couldn't wait. I'm so happy and relieved! I couldn't help but cry when I told Shane and I know I will be crying when I see the baby's heart beat, since I didn't get to experience that with the last baby. I am a little concerned that I don't really have any symptoms, but I'm *so* grateful that I am not working right now and have the opportunity to concentrate on taking care of myself. With the last one, I was so busy that I sometimes forgot that I was pregnant. I'm also very happy about the timing. I should have been giving birth next month. It would have been very sad to go through that time not even being pregnant, knowing that I should be having a baby.

I'm going to take monthly pictures starting at 8 weeks, after our first appointment. There really isn't much to do at this point except take my prenatal vitamins. I already have the greatest maternity wardrobe. I think it's better than my regular clothes :) And oh boy! I get to eat what I want! I have an excuse to buy a $3 avocado if I want it! It'll be interesting to see where we are living when the baby arrives. Our lease is up at the end of January. Here's hoping we'll be in Cali!!!

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