I've been seeing this super cool Phil & Ted stroller around a lot lately. I can't go to Tyson's Corner Mall without seeing one. And every time I've seen it, I've thought to myself that I MUST get one! Even though Caleb is too big to ride in a stroller. But, we'll likely try for baby #3 soon after Ana is born and eventually a double stroller would be nice to have. And this one is great because it's not wide.
So, I looked online and found out how much it costs. Guess how much it costs! After you've guessed click here to see if you were close.
I said $285, Del said $450. He said he almost said $600. Who knew he'd be closer at $600. SHEESH!!!!!
That is awesome! I think you deserve it! Baby #3 so soon would be great too! Can you just rent me one whenever I want? LOL. Just kidding I want one of my own too! At least if you try for #3 soon I hope we get pregnant soon and they will all be pretty close in age!
I recently priced cool strollers myself, so I actually guessed close to $800! Wow.
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