Sunday, June 21, 2009

Getting to Know Ana

I wish I had written before now. Even though we've only been home with Ana for 4 days, it seems that there's so much to write about. The thing most on my mind at the moment is how much this kid poops! It's constant! Every time (and I mean *every* time) we change her diaper, she can't even wait until we get the new one on to poop more! This morning, I wiped her up, put a clean diaper underneath and she pooped on it. I wiped her again and put another clean diaper under her... and she pooped again! And then she did it a THIRD time! I just wrapped her up at this point, cause that's just ridiculous!

All this pooping has caused a really nasty rash on her behind. It's just awful. We've been wiping her with just cloth and water, as to not aggravate it. But it just seems to be getting worse. I'm hoping she'll just stop pooping so much in a few days and it will get better.

Two night ago, she had me up all night. I only got about 2.5 hours of sleep. She wasn't crying for no reason though. She just wanted to eat and eat and eat. And last night she wasn't sleeping well either, but I tried sleeping with her on the recliner and she slept like a champ. I got about 5 hours of sleep! It hurt my back to sleep on the chair, but at least I was sleeping.

When she was born, she weighed 7 lb. 1 oz. (I originally said it was 7 lb. even, but the weight was actually 0.8 oz also). When we left the hospital she was 6 lb. 9 oz. This seems so tiny to me, but she is so strong and alert that she doesn't seem as fragile as I would expect. She's a master at removing the hand mits and escaping from the burrito wrap.

And my favorite part to think about is how much she looks like Caleb. She has my eyes, nose and ears and Shane's lips and toes. When we left the hospital, it was a beautiful sunny day. Before we got her to the car, she sneezed. This means that, just like Caleb, she's inherited the Photic sneeze reflex from Shane. I find it so amazing that she is so young and is already showing traits from us.


Anonymous said...

OMGoodness aren't babies just amazing?!?! I love this post!!!!!!!

My nephew sneezes when he goes into the sun! I will have to show that link to my sil!!

Joanna said...

Get used to the poo. It'll be like that until about 2 or three months and then it'll get better.