Monday, June 22, 2009

One Week Old

Today Ana is one week old. And it's also the first day that Shane went back to work. I was feeling a bit nervous because Caleb was constantly asking Shane "Do you want to play with me???" while he was home with us. I was wondering if I will be able to juggle keeping Caleb busy and keeping Ana fed and clean.

Turns out it was a very good day. Caleb started off playing by himself in the yard for about an hour and a half. Then he came in and played in his room and on his computer. Then we had a snack and he played a little more. Then we went to the grocery store because it was the last day of the $0.99/lb. peach sale and then to the library and playground. We went home and had lunch and then down for naps. I actually got to sleep for about an hour and a half.

While we were out, Ana, not surprisingly, got a lot of attention. Several woman asked how old she was and commented about how cute she is. They also seemed very surprised that I was out with her since she is only a week old. I'm not sure if they were shocked that I would take such a young baby out into the cruel world or impressed that I was able to take her and Caleb out so soon after giving birth.

I'm trying not to set my set up for disappointment by expecting things to run so smoothly everyday. I am really so proud of Caleb for being so good about Ana being part of our family. He usually doesn't play by himself so willingly. Lots of people have asked me how he is doing, if he's acting jealous or angry that she's taking so much of our attention. And no. He isn't. He's gentle with her and willingly helps when asked. The only thing that he absolutely refuses to do it throw the dirty diapers away. He won't touch them, and I can't say I blame him :)

I think part of the reason why Caleb is being so good is because he is grateful to finally have another kid in the house. I knew this would be the case to a certain degree, but I thought he might be disappointed when he saw that she is unable to play with him. Surprisingly, not the case. In fact, on the way home from the hospital, he told us (not asked, because that's not his style :) that we need to have three more babies. And he repeated his request yesterday. And, I have to say, that things are feeling so good right now, I'm tempted to grant his request.


Rebecca Facas said...

Caleb is growing up to be a little man. Soon he will be off to school!

Anonymous said...

Aww I love the pics! You do have gorgeous babies :) None of my kids were ever jealous/mean, either. They loved "their" baby :) And I am glad you had a good day, that helps!!! :)

Joanna said...

Good, I'm glad Caleb is happy with his sister! Soooo cute! Love the pictures.