Monday, July 27, 2009

A 4-Year-Old's Fashion Sense

This just makes me laugh. Caleb has been dressing himself for quite some time. In some ways, it's really nice that he is so much older than Georgiana. There's so much that he doesn't need help with anymore. But the thing about him dressing himself is that he loves to wear the same color pants and shirt. He used to have green shorts and would *always* pair them up with a green shirt. And these red pants *always* get paired up with a red shirt. But, when he put on these awesome :) green boots I recently bought him, I couldn't stop laughing!

The look on his face is his I-Don't-Like-Having-My-Picture-Taken-Unless-I'm-Holding-Georgiana-Or-A-Dog look.


Joanna said...

LOL, what a look. He looks like he's prepping for Christmas.

Kainoa said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! It could be worse, he could be pairing things that should not be together at all. So funny!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! How cute :)