Friday, August 7, 2009

2 Month Appointment

Well, actually this was 10 days early. She weighed in at 10 lb. 6 oz., which we were surprised about because I weighed her at my brother's at 4 weeks and 5 days and she was supposedly 10 lbs. then. I guess I should stick with just the doctor's scale to keep it accurate. Her length is 21 inches. She is exactly the opposite of Caleb as far as averages. Fat, short and small head. Caleb was skinny, long and had a huge head.

She had to get three shots :( Shane took the day off to assist with the shots since I cried when Caleb got them at 2 months. Not to mention the traumatic experience with the 4-yo shots. But, Georgiana was such a little champ! After each shot, she cried for a few seconds and then stopped. And she slept for the rest of the day. In fact, she is still like that today. I had a hard time waking her up this morning to feed her. What a difference from Caleb!

We've heard that a lot of times people get one active kid and one mellow kid. We are definitely not an exception to that rule. It's really funny also how it seems that Georgiana is getting easier to take care of and Caleb... well... Caleb isn't. I just have to laugh though, that every where I go with him, someone makes a comment like "Wow! I wish I had that kind of energy!" or "He sure does have a lot of energy!" or "I bet he keeps you busy!" or sometimes just "wow...".

Anyway, I'm so excited about watching Ana grow up and seeing what kind of little person she turns out to be. It's certain she'll be different from Caleb, so she's sure to teach us a lot about things Caleb hasn't exposed us to yet.


Kainoa said...

AWWWWW.....Anna looks SO peaceful sleeping and I love th eone of her in your recliner! Similar to Caleb with the hair all spiked!! I am glad Anna is being calmer and you are getting used to Caleb and Anna together! I cannot wait to see you all again in a few weeks!!

Anonymous said...

So sweet ♥