Saturday, August 22, 2009

Caleb's First Soccer Game!

We've been waiting a long time for this! Caleb is finally on a soccer team! And they're pretty darn good too! We won 2-0! Woohoo! There are two boys that must have played last year because they are very good. I was really surprised that the kids really did play the game well. I thought they'd just be running around kicking the ball into each other's goals. But, they all did so well!

They did run after the ball in a gaggle :) So cute!

Caleb got a turn at goalie and he was so good at it that he and another boy were chosen as the primary goalies for the rest of the games! At first, Shane thought that playing goalie would be lame. But, now we both think it's perfect for him because he'll be able to keep his hands to himself that way :)

He stopped three balls! See #4 laying in the grass? hahaha, he likes to do that in the middle of practice too. He'll get bored and curl up in the grass and suck his thumb :) That kid is so funny!

1 comment:

Kainoa said...

Caleb looks SO HAPPY!!! I am glad he is enjoying soccer! Goalie is a good position to play and at least he likes it! #4 looks hilarious, I wonder what his parents are thinking of him lying in the grass! LOL. Maybe some day when we come to visit we can go to one of Calebs games!!! Tell Caleb next times he comes over we got a soccer ball and we can play down at the park right by the house!!