Friday, August 21, 2009

Sleep Baby Sleep

I realized a few days ago that it's been weeks, if not a month, since I've had a nap during the week. Caleb is thankfully back to taking naps. But, Miss Georgiana has taken to staying up all afternoon and evening. It's not uncommon for her to be awake from 11am until 10pm. This is not the case if we're out of the house, which might be the reason why it took me so long to realize what was going on. It could also be because Shane and I have an apprehension about getting upset or disappointed at anything she does. She's already got us wrapped around her tiny, adorable, chubby finger.

So, when I realized what was going on, I suddenly felt exhausted and defeated and a bit frustrated. And fearing we might actually get angry at our little darling, we ran quick over to Target and bought the coolest, most comfy looking side-swinging swing. We already have a swing, but it goes back and forth. Caleb never liked it, preferring the side-swinging swing that we used to have but got rid of when we moved to Arlington because there was just no room for it in storage.

And for the first time in too long, she slept all afternoon! And I had a lovely day.

1 comment:

Kainoa said...

OMG Ana looks SO SWEET, I am glad she is finally sleeping for you!!! Adorable picture of Caleb and Ana together! Sorry I have not commented lately I will comment more tonight when I have a bit more time.....I'm supposed to be getting ready to go to work right about now.=(. Take care and LOVE the BLOG!!!