I've felt for many years now that we should be saying grace before we eat dinner. I'm so thankful for everything that I have and it seems like an easy way to show thanks. Shane and I tried doing it before we had Caleb, but since we're just a bunch of slackers, it didn't last long. So, I thought maybe we should assign the task to Caleb. That way he feels like he has an important job and most importantly, he's more likely to keep it going. So, last night Shane taught him the very simple
God is good
God is great
something, something, I've already forgotten.
I'm terrible. Anyway, the point of this post was to tell you about this super cool dinner grace that I found on the internet. It goes like this...
Thank you for toast and jam,
Thank you for eggs and ham,
We thank you, thank you Lord
Thank you for bacon and Spam,
Thank you for all I am,
Thanking you best we can,
We thank you, thank you Lord.
Shane didn't want to teach this one to Caleb though. I can't figure out why he doesn't want to thank God for bacon and Spam every night.
I've never had Spam, so I'm not sure if I'm thankful for it or not! :)
I think it is important to thank God for all things, and before we eat is such a logical time to thank him for the abundance we enjoy here in the US.
On a completely non-spiritual note, knowing that we don't begin to eat until after we pray helps my boys to keep from digging in while we are not all seated. It is a great "good manners" thing.
That's TOTALLY cool!!!
Maybe he could says "thank you for musubi" instead of Spam. Heehee.
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