Thursday, October 1, 2009

Caleb is on a roll this week...

On our way to taekwondo practice, while Caleb cried and whined about how he didn't want to go because they make him do the splits. (even though it was the first thing he showed off to his friends when he got there) Even though I had just spent the previous hour and a half nursing Ana and trying to get her to stop crying, I managed to not lose my cool, but I did say this to him...

M: You know Caleb, one day when you're married and have kids, you're going to call me and cry to me about how your kids are driving you crazy. And I'm going to laugh at you.

C: No you're not Mommy. Because when my kids cry, I'm going to give them a cookie and then they won't cry anymore.


Joanna said...

ROTFLOL! I really enjoy coming here for a good laugh. Boy, Caleb is witty.

Joanna said...

Are you seriously going to Chipotle today? Lucky girl.

Johanna said...

That's too funny! I got the, "Someday you're going to have a kid who's just like you." line a lot when I was little. And I did. And now I understand. :)

Kainoa said...

Cookies and junk food they solve all the problems for everyone don't they. I wish I was a kid again and was happy with the simplest things!