Friday, November 6, 2009

Random Pictures

Ana is very much like Caleb in the way that she fights sleep if there is anything going on. Who needs sleep when you could be getting hugs and kisses?

This particular time, we were visiting my mom and Caleb had long been put to bed. But, being that we were at some other house with some other person around, Ms. G tried with all her might to avoid sleeping. But, she's no match for an hour on Daddy's bouncy knee. I don't remember how late it was, but I do remember that it was one of those times where I said the Desperation Prayer. You know... Dear God, I will do anything. ANYTHING!!! if you just make her go to sleep. Just let me know what I have to do to serve You in any way. Just stop the insanity and give me a break. Please!!! Amen

We start 'um young...

Is there such thing as being cuddled to death?


Joanna said...

LOVE these pictures and your commentary. You are so stinkin' funny!!! And your family is ssooo stinkin' cute. I just can't handle the cuteness!

Anonymous said...

Awww such sweet pics!