Monday, December 14, 2009

Make You Smile Monday

Caleb: Daddy, can we play chess when we get back to Mike and Emme's house? Can you let me win? Can you help me out?

Shane: Sure buddy, I can help you out?

C: Ok, good! Cause I want to kill all your pawns and your two bishops and your two rooks and your king and your queen!

S: What about my knights?

C: Oh yeah!! I want to kill your two knights and your two bishops and your two rooks and your king and your queen... and your two bishops and your two rooks and all your pawns... and your king and you queen!!!

S: Ok, and I want to kill some of your guys too.

C: But WHHHYYYYYYYY Daddy???!!! I want to win!!


Johanna said...

LOL! That sounds familiar to conversations in my house!

Joanna said...


Kainoa said...

Wow....I am impressed..chess...that is GREAT!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! He is quite the character, isn't he? hahahahaha