Thursday, February 4, 2010


Ana is 7.5 months old now. Where did the time go? I haven't been taking notes about her development as well as I had hoped. If I ever find time to make her baby book, I fear I will have nothing to write. So, I'm going to try to make a better effort.

Since she started moving with purpose at around 5.5 months, we were sure she would be crawling by 6 months. But really, she's just recently started to crawl properly. She used rolling as her main method of transport for a while. I guess there's really no reason to crawl if you've already got a good thing going :) And then she started scooting (pulling with her arms and dragging her legs behind). Then she started crawling, except she would keep her left leg straight every time. It was really funny. Now, she's crawling properly.

She crawls to us also. It's very cute when she crawls to Shane when he gets home from work. Not so cute when she tries to follow me into the bathroom because I'm abandoning her.

She also seems very interested in walking. Sometimes I'll try to sit her down, but she'll lock her legs up so that I have to support her standing. And she's pulled herself up to a standing position on the step tansu. I also caught her trying the same thing on the toilet! Ewwww! Looks like we'll have to get one of those toilet locks at some point.

She is still (mostly) sleeping through the night. But every few weeks she'll have a couple nights where she'll wake up a few times and want to eat. I've given up trying to get Shane to put her back to sleep. Although it worked well with Caleb, Shane has never been able to put her back to sleep for more than 15 minutes or so. And honestly, I don't really mind getting up to feed her. She needs me :) And since I get to sleep through the night most nights, it's not that big of a sacrifice.

She has done many things that confirm my suspicion that she'll be a mischievous little girl. I knew this was going to happen because Caleb never was. He never stuck strange things in his mouth or did anything dangerous or destructive. So, I figure it's only natural that Ana will. Yesterday, she messed around with the power cord for the Wii and I have no idea what she did to it but I couldn't get it to turn on again. It took Shane a while to fix it and he's not even sure how he did.

She's still a very good baby. She never cries for no reason and when she does cry, she stops as soon as we pick her up. Although, I think that a lot of her cheerfulness stems from Caleb being around. She loves him so much! As soon as she sees him, her face lights up. And no one can make her laugh like Caleb. It's really so very cute and makes me so glad that we have them both.


Rebecca Facas said...

I can't believe how much time has passed! It seems like just yesterday that she was born!

Anonymous said...

She is so sweet :)