Shane is always harassing me about my cheesy smile, so I thought I'd actually give him one. Anyway, the belly is getting bigger! I'm feeling the baby move around more and we're looking forward to finding out the sex in only four more weeks! We think it's a boy, but my dad thinks it's a girl and he's been right about the other two. What do you think?
I've been taking my vitamins regularly and I'm not feeling very emotional anymore. I think everyone in our house is very happy about that :) I've been trying to eat healthier, but I'm still addicted to Sausage McMuffins. I have a hard time eating anything sweet in the morning. And Sausage McMuffins are only $1! I'm powerless to the temptation.
We should have our loan finalized by the end of the week. We're getting a rate 5.25%! I'm so happy about this. I remember when we bought the townhouse with a 7% loan and then refinanced at 6%. I hope we get to stay in this house forever.
I'm starting to get anxious about moving in though. I want to go inside and take pictures of all the charming little things, like the old doorknobs and fancy doors. I want to tie a big old tire from one of our many trees so the kids can swing on it. I'm so excited that we will have enough room to unpack all of our belongings and I will be able to have everything organized. I don't feel like I have ever gotten organized in this house.
I think we'll be closing on June 18th. Seems like an eternity from now. But, a lot will happen between then and now, so I think it will go by quickly. I hope!
1 comment:
That is too funny.....your smile that is!!! We are all So happy for you all!!! You look GREAT and cant wait to find out the sex of the baby. The pharmacist I work with is pregnant too and she is SO HAPPY tooo! I hope you close on the house fast and get settled in it will feel SO good! If you need help let me know!!!!
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