Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mark 10

We're still covering Mark in bible study and at church. We read the end part of Mark 10 at bible study about two weeks ago and then went over it again in church this past weekend.

Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

It wasn't until the second time I was hearing that I started to think about how amazing it is that Jesus was a leader to those he served. I mean, how do you do that? Serve others, but at the same time lead them?

And then I started to think about Shane and men in general. Isn't that what is expected of them also? To lead their families, but to also serve and protect them? How easy it would be to get caught up in the leading aspect, and to put aside the idea of serving or being a slave to your wife and children. To put their needs above his. And what about the other, where a man would get caught up in serving? To submit to his wife and children to the point where he is no longer contributing to the decisions made.

So, this just got me feeling like I should try to be more gracious to Shane. More supportive and understanding.

Oh, and when I brought all this up to Shane after church, he said "Geez. I really don't want to wash your feet." and I said "That's ok. You can just massage them." :)


Joanna said...

Very insightful! I love it that as a wife we are to submit to our husbands but husbands are to love their wives "even as Christ loves the church", which is all believers. Jesus loved the church so much that he was willing to take on all our sin and die...take our punishment. That's some serious love and quite an injunction for husbands. A man's role in his family, when you really think about it, is no small or easy task. Lead but serve, love even unto death. And do all that in the perfect manner that Jesus did it.

Anonymous said...

LOVE your comments about feet !!


I think more women need to cut their men some slack. I personally wouldn't wanna be the leader of a family, and be ultimately responsible for it all. I am very content with being the helper!!