Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dragonfly Quilt

I started working on this quilt about a year ago. It started with my first jelly roll. I got the pattern from Jelly Roll Quilts.

I'm really happy with the way the back turned out. I got this fabric on sale at a quilt shop near my mom's house. I got inspired by the border fabric, which is a really pretty Japanese fabric with tiny dragonflies all over. I wanted to applique lots of dragonflies on the back, about seven. But, after putting just this one, I realized that was way too ambitious.

The free-motion quilting I did around it is so messy and I'll likely pull it out and redo by hand. But, for now I need something to stop me from stippling over it.

I had some jelly roll strips left over and was able to add an extra row. This is by far the biggest quilt I've ever made. I started some stippling, but it was way too difficult to quilt on my tiny little table with the weight of the quilt pulling it to the floor.

So I got this beautiful quilt table attachment for my machine! Isn't it gorgeous? And it just barely fits on my table. It'll be nice to have my big sewing table back once we move to the new house. I haven't tried it out yet, but for now, I love just looking at it :)


Anonymous said...

You so totally rock. Seriously? That is gorgeous. I LOVE the one dragonfly on the back.

I have made some quilts, but they are not elaborate at all and I paid someone to do the actual quilting with a machine :-p

Your quilt is awesome.

Joanna said...

It's absolutely beautiful Marie!!! I really like the one dragonfly on the back, too.

Rebecca Facas said...

That thing is huge! I'm impressed, maybe someday I'll tackle a quilt that big! And with two and a half kids, impressive :-)

Kainoa said...

I dont know where and when you find the time for this.....but I admire you for it and I love it!