Monday, August 18, 2008

I Like Where This Is Going

A few weeks ago, when I was watching the news, there was a report about a 10-year-old girl who police had handcuffed in a school bus. Nevermind the fact that she was being unruly and likely controllable only by restraint. The mother is outraged and suing the city. But the thing I found really disturbing is that, during the interview, this little girl was wearing a t-shirt with a loose neckline that showed her cleavage! A 10-year-old. I mean, what in the world!!???

Although I have a son and no daughters, I'm sensitive to the battle it must be to raise a modest young girl. To have her think about her body as a vessel and not as an object to attract inappropriate attention. So, I was interested to read the following two articles...

A couple weeks ago, I read this article about how Keira Knightley is refusing to to allow her breasts to be enhanced for publicity photos for her upcoming film. I was really disappointed when I heard that this had been done to publicity photos for King Arthur (but only in the U.S). So, I'm glad that she is finally standing up for the right to keep small breasts small.

And then today, I ran into this article suggesting that 'tween fashion is making a move toward modesty! I'm really excited about this and hope that it sticks.


Kainoa said...

That article was interesting but also kind of sad. Low necklines has become and clevage has become acceptable to society and its really sad. I cannot imagine raising a girl and having to deal with this and peer pressure. I still to this day, won't even wear a v neck t shirt, cause I feel like it hangs too "low" and its nothing compared to what these girls are dressing in now a days...

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Having 4 girls, I have to deal with this a lot. We are ultra modest, in that I don't even like to buy the "layers" that are not modest by themselves!

It is difficult to dress modestly in the styles of late, but it can be done :)