Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Belly Shot - 8 weeks

Dang. I look pretty good huh? ;) I've never been one to obsess about weight (since high school anyway). But I have been one to get down on myself about being out of shape. Which is a condition that has progressively gotten worse over the past two years. And I got to thinking that part of the reason why I felt so incredible during my pregnancy with Caleb is that I was in pretty good shape. I walked around campus all day long and worked out at the gym almost the whole time and was running on the treadmill until I was almost 6 months along. And the big thing is... I was ALREADY in shape when I got pregnant. Not so with this one. And I'm really afraid of getting far along in the pregnancy and causing my body to labor excessively just to carry me around. I never did feel like that with Caleb, even though he was three days overdue. So...

I've been exercising a bit. I've been going on three weeks now and I'm much more dedicated now that I've gained a few pounds, but I've noticed that my legs are firming up. I know I'm not supposed to start exercising after I get pregnant. But, the alternative is to continue to do what I had been doing. Which is nothing and I think that's a terrible idea. So, I walk up the stairwell in our apartment building. From the second floor to the eleventh. I do this three times. It's pretty great because my heart rate doesn't go crazy since I have to walk down after going up and it gives me time to cool down. And the best part is that it only takes me 15 minutes!

I realize I barely have a bump here. This one is more for comparison in the later months. It'll also be interesting to see how long my hair grows. I think I will chop it off after giving birth and donate it to Locks of Love, like I did after Caleb was born.


Joanna said...


I was really in shape (for me anyway) with Ella and it didn't help me feel all that much better. But I gain forty pounds and that's like nearly 41% of my pre-pregnancy body weight. It's a lot of extra weight to carry around. I know that a lot of women swear by exercise to help them feel better. The tightening of the thighs is a motivation. I get the worst, most disgusting cottage cheese thighs when I'm pregnant and then it all goes away after the baby is born. Isn't that weird?!

You look great!

Johanna said...

It's not a problem to start exercising after you get pregnant, as long as you don't go crazy all of the sudden. I exercised through this last pregnancy until I was put on restricted activity, and I have to say that I noticed a huge difference when I had to stop in how I felt physically and emotionally. Anyway, now I have to think about starting to excercise again in a few weeks, and it is not a thrilling thought after just three nights of sleep deprevation!

Joanna said...

ooohhh, I'm looking forward to sleep deprivation. It's my favorite!

Unknown said...

I gained 40 with Caleb too (although that's not 41% of my weight :), but considering i just gained two pounds in the last week, I think I might gain more than that. I try not to look at the back of my thighs. I once noticed some colorful veins back there and have been scared to look every since.

Oh! the sleep deprivation! How I hate that! I remember that I had to reinstate a new rule in the house after Caleb was born. Shane wasn't allowed to ask me a question that could be answered otherwise. Like how he would ask "Where is the tin foil?" Arrgrgghhhhh! Maybe I should draw a map of the kitchen for him this time :)

Joanna said...

LOL. That's really funn!