Thursday, January 29, 2009

20-Week Belly Pic

Here's the 20-week shot with the 16-week shot below for comparison.

The baby is probably about 8 inches long now! I've been feeling more kicks during the last few days. Three days ago, I even saw my belly move from one of the kicks! Shane hasn't felt it yet though because every time I get him to put his hand on my belly, the kicks stop.


Kainoa said...

wow, such a difference a month makes! you look GREAT and so happy! So when do you find out the sex?

Johanna said...

Jerry never felt any of our kids kick. Partly because they always stopped when I put his hand there and partly because he has always been a bit weirded out by the thought of a person in his wife's belly so never got his hand there very quickly! :)

You look great, by the way!