Saturday, April 4, 2009

Insomnia Again

Things had been going so well with my pregnancy insomnia during the second trimester. It was only happening about once a week where I'd wake up for a few hours in the middle of the night, or not be able to go back to sleep at 5 am. But, now that I'm in the third trimester, the insomnia is back with a vengeance. Yesterday, I couldn't go back to sleep after my 5:45 am bathroom break and also couldn't fall asleep for a nap. And now it's 3 am. Thankfully Shane is going to let me sleep in this morning. Maybe things will get so bad with this insomnia thing that the lack of sleep after the baby comes won't seem so bad.

By the way, I haven't officially announced "the baby"'s name yet. We settled on Georgiana Leigh. We've been calling her Ana, but there are so many good nicknames that we can use (like Gia, Giana, G, Gigi) that we might end up calling her something else when she comes out and seems more like something other than an Ana. I've really been liking Gigi lately, it reminds me of that musical, which I really love. I used to have the VHS tape (haha... she'll probably read this later and wonder what in the heck that is :), but we got rid of all our tapes a few years ago. Anyway, I know that Georgiana isn't everyone's favorite, but we really like that it's different and that she will be named after both grandpas.

Things with the Monterey move are still going well. It's really going to happen! It's finally starting to sink in for both of us. I think we had really been on pins and needles waiting for things to go badly again. We do have to wait until the end of next week to get contacted by our relocation assistant, but Shane spoke with a co-worker who moved up here from Florida and he said they really get things done quickly. He and his family had a large single-family and they had the movers pack everything for them. So, after overdoing it yesterday, I decided I'm going to finish packing up my craft things and let the movers so the rest. It really does give me such relief to know that I don't have to pack up the kitchen.

Also, we'll be driving down to South Carolina in two weekends to say good-by to Shane's family. Although, I was a bit crazy exhausted yesterday from the lack of sleep and packing too much, so we decided I should skip the trip if things are going badly for me at the end of the week. But, I'm going to try to take it easy this week, because I'd hate to make Shane drive the 8 hours there and back with just Caleb.

1 comment:

Kainoa said...

wow, sounds like you have a lot of things going on, though not surprising I feel for you! Just take it one day at a time and before you know it you will be here in california. I hope you are able to nap when Caleb naps and get through this, I am sure it will get better, you are also preparing yourself for having a newborn and all the responsibilities (sp?) I know you are a strong woman and you will be fine. Just think if you ever need a break you can call us, or Caleb can come spend a weekend with us or something and it will all work out! I cant wait for you to get here! I will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts and peace to you !