Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Caleb and Ana

In a previous post, I mentioned that Ana looks just like Caleb did when he was born. Here's the evidence...




Rebecca Facas said...

Oh my goodness. They could have been twins!

Anonymous said...

Wow! They look exactly alike!!! I hope you have your pics cataloged!! ;)

Joanna said...

Holy smokes!!! Yeah, you have to look at things other than the baby to figure out who it is. That's totally cool.

Kainoa said...

Holy crap! It looks like you just flipped the picture the other way, that is unbelieveable how identical they look as babies! Now you just have to get the spiked hair screaming face of Ana for you blog header !!! =)

Johanna said...

Uncanny. I commented on one of Kainoa's pictures she put up of Ana on Facebook that I thought Ana looked just like Caleb, but I had never seen a baby picture of Caleb, just what I've seen since I first met you. How fun!

Unknown said...

I can't stop looking at these pictures! I'm the mom and I'm still so shocked they look so similar! I was thinking they'd be like Ella and Sarah, one looks just like Mommy and one looks just like Daddy. But really, Caleb is a good mix of both of us, so I guess Ana will be also.

Lawanda- Good point about cataloging! I really would have a hard time telling them apart if I didn't keep the pictures organized, especially since we are dressing her in a lot of Caleb's old clothes.

Kia- That is exactly what Shane said! About getting a picture of Ana screaming like Caleb. I'm not sure if her hair will end up sticking up straight like his though. I hope so, cause it's so stinkin' cute!