Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fun with Embroidery

I don't want to disappoint, so before I start the real purpose of this post... here are some pictures of Ana :)

When Derrek (my brother) and Kainoa came to visit two weekends ago, Kainoa helped me play around with my new best friend. Even though I had owned it for a week at that point, I hadn't actually gotten a chance to do anything with it. I'm glad she was there to help me, because I was a bit intimidated to start. It's so much more fun to do crafty things when you have someone to share it with :)

So, here is what we did...

It was so much fun to play around with all the cool stitches! We couldn't figure out what one of them is though. Take a look at the fifth line. Starts off with cherries and then changes to... carrots? radishes?

And over the past few days, I managed to get up the courage to try out the embroidery. I don't know why I'm so scared of this machine. I don't want to break it, I suppose. And I assumed that it's way more complicated than it really is. It was so much easier than I thought it would be.

There is only one font that came with the machine. I have some software that is supposed to create more, but it's not working for some reason. The "G" is a little messed up here because the thread broke. But, other than that... I'm amazed at how awesome it looks! Embroidery is so cool!

I happened upon Urban Threads a few weeks ago and I *love* some of their designs! They are having a big 50% off sale up until today, so I wanted to test out one of their designs to make sure I could get my machine to use it. And it worked! Cute, eh?

Here are some that I really like...

I want to put this one on the sleeve of Caleb's BDU jacket. Wouldn't that be sooooooo cute?

I know some of you probably think this looks evil with the skull, but I think it would be really funny on a kitchen dish towel or an apron.

And what can I say about this one? Just too darn cute!


Joanna said...

HA! Very cute.

As for the baby, lovely!!

Kainoa said...

OMG Ana is getting bigger everyday and so cute! I amglad you have got some time to play with your best friend. I love all the embroidery patterns you showed, especially the skull in the kitchen! Love the bike too!!! You have endless possibilities! Can't wait to see your embroidery projects you get to do.