Monday, June 29, 2009

G Diapers

Last week, I bought *more* diapers. We go through 10 to 12 a day. I (effectively) spent about $30 on enough to last us 2 weeks. And for this price, I got them on sale, used a coupon and got a bonus $5 gift card to Target for buying 2 packs.

I've considered using cloth diapers before, but a few months ago, Caleb had diarrhea and when I had to clean it out of his underwear I decided against cloth diapers. But, I considered again after thinking about all the money we will spend on diapers for Ana and our next kid.

At first, I was going to order a bunch of different brands like Fuzzy Bunz and Bum Genius and see which one worked best for us. But, a friend (thanks Becky!) mentioned G Diapers. I really liked that they offer reusable cloth pads and throw away/flushable pads. So, last week I ordered two diapers, a pack of cloth pads and a pack of throw away pads. I used them over the weekend and I love them! So, I just ordered enough so we can use them exclusively.

There are three parts to them. From left to right: Diaper cover, nylon liner and cloth pad.

Put them all together and you get...

Put them on baby and you get...

one super cute baby made even more super cute!

I know they seem big on her and I was sure they would leak. But, they didn't. And her diaper rash almost instantly disappeared! I'm not sure how I will feel about using them when she starts eating solids. But, for now, I love them so.


Rebecca Facas said...

I'm so glad they worked out for you! I will def. be using them when Baby Facas arrives!

Kainoa said...

TOO CUTE!!! Love that they have the G on the back!!! Ana looks like she is enjoying them too =)