Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sighs and Rolls Eyes

That's me at least twice a day.

C: Mom! Come here!

M: What is it?

C: See here!? I killed this spider (or rolly-polly, caterpillar, ant, etc.)!

M: Stop killing all the poor bugs!

C: But, you see. I saw it here on the ground (or chair, floor, wall, etc.) and I had to kill it. Because I like to kill spiders (or rolly-pollys, caterpillars, ants, etc.).

M: (sighs and rolls eyes)


Kainoa said...

That is *too* funny! Just call Caleb Mr. Destructo, all in good fun though, I am sure he will stop the killing of poor innocent bugs....someday..LOL! At least you wont have to worry about bugs in the house with Caleb around.

Unknown said...

lol! That's true about having less bugs in the house! We're mostly trying to get him to stop killing the spiders in the house since they get gnats and flying things that come in. We've had quite a few of those since I'm so stinkin' hot all the time and leave the front door open to let the cool air in.

Joanna said...

Very, very funny!! His logic is impeccable.