She was being quite fussy yesterday morning. I decided to just lay her on the floor since she likes that sometimes. She was content for about 10 minutes and then got fussy again. Caleb always wants to help quiet her down and usually "shushes" her. It works surprisingly well. But this time, he decided to let her borrow his bear that he sleeps with. She instantly quieted down and went to sleep!
The sleeping bear is super cute!!!! I'm sure your a very proud momma!!!
That is TOOOOO SWWWEEETTTT!!! Derrek said we might have to go to the mall again to get Ana her own bear since she LOVES Calebs. I am so glad Caleb is adjusting well! He really is a sweet and loving boy...its just he is a boy and wants to run around like boys should! Can't wait to see you and show Caleb our new house we are all gonna have a blast! Ana is growing so fast and she is beautiful!!!
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