Sunday, August 2, 2009

Have You Guys Heard About This?

Harvey Milk Day? If you don't want to click on the link, here's what it says...

SB 572, as amended, Leno.
Harvey Milk Day: official designation.

Existing law requires the Governor to proclaim certain days each
year for specified reasons. Existing law also designates particular
days each year as having special significance in public schools and
educational institutions and encourages those entities to conduct
suitable commemorative exercises on those dates.

This bill would provide that the Governor proclaim May 22 of each
year as Harvey Milk Day, and would designate that date as having
special significance in public schools and educational institutions
and would encourage those entities to conduct suitable commemorative
exercises on that date.


Anonymous said...

Where did you find this news? Wheew, heaven help us. Granny Lyn

Unknown said...

It was mentioned in a letter to the editor in the Monterey Herald. Crazy, huh? I can't wait for Caleb to come home from Kindergarten and ask what it means to be gay. This is *so* not age appropriate material.

Unknown said...

BTW, this is a Senate Bill in California only. Arnold vetoed it last September after it passed the Assembly and Senate, but it's being reintroduced this year.

Joanna said...
