Friday, August 21, 2009

It was time to pick out a mascot at Caleb's soccer practice on Monday. The coach went around and asked each kid what they wanted to call their team. Caleb didn't suggest anything. But a cute little blue-eyed blond girl (daughter of a Marine dad and ex-Marine mom) wanted to be called The Princesses. :) Then the coach suggested they should be some kind of animal. One little boy wanted to be The Elephants. Too slow, the coach said. The little blond girl thought The Unicorns would good. :) They ended up being The Lions.

Stuff like this makes me realize why we chose to make our lives more difficult by having kids.

1 comment:

Kainoa said...

I just want to say the Lions is a really cute name...but it would have been HILARIOUS to have them named the unicorns!!!!