Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Progress - 2 months

Georgiana is holding her head up very well now. She's smiling back at us sometimes and is even starting to coo, but not enough for me to catch it on video. She still doesn't cry much at all. And when she does, she stops instantly when we pick her up. Her favorite place to sleep is on our chests. This is so nice for us because Caleb didn't sleep like that much. He only liked it when we walked him around. As soon as we sat, he would wake up and cry. So, we both cherish the time we have to relax on the couch and let her sleep on us. It's just another one of those things that makes her such a precious little girl.


Johanna said...

She is so adorable, Marie!

Kainoa said...

Gorgeous!!! Love the chubby little cheeks! Glad she is a calm baby!

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness she is SO SWEEEEEET!!!!!!!!

My second (and third and fourth) were easier babies than my first as well, so I totally get where you are coming from :)

Joanna said...

Lovely little lady.

Sue said...

She is so beautiful and it is nice to not have a crying baby although they eventually grow out of it. Enjoy her whilst she is little as the second one always seems to grow up so much faster than the first one.