Wednesday, September 2, 2009


My naughty boy. My head-strong, bossy and willful boy. Oh, how I love him! Last night at dinner, after he made a series of frustrating comments, he said something so funny and had us shaking our heads and thinking what an astute boy he can be. I told him, "Caleb, life would be so boring without you." And that just says it all.

We've finally got him involved in sports. As of this week, he is doing soccer, taekwondo and swimming. All of which he loves. I'm most excited about taekwondo because the teachers (two Korean guys) are so fantastic. They don't just focus on the taekwondo skills. They also focus on obeying mom and dad (Yes, sir! and Yes, ma'am!) and responsibility (no taekwondo skills outside of the classroom). Caleb is responding to them very well and I'm so excited to see how it will affect his overall behavior.

We've been going to my aunt and uncle's house a lot since they only live an hour and a half away. They have a hot tub, which they set to a very nice 85 degrees for Caleb to swim in. It's the perfect little pool for him, since he can stand up easily in it. When we buy a house, I'll have to figure out how we can afford to buy one. I go in there with him and when we turn the jets on, I swear I could stay in there for hours. I MUST have one!!!

Shane made me snap this shot on our way up to their house this past weekend. He insists on sleeping like this, even though I've designated a pillow for him to keep in the van for the purpose of sleeping comfortably. So stubborn!


Granny Lyn said...

Caleb looks so charming and adorable. Good shot! Granny Lyn

Joanna said...

Wow, it's kind of weird to see you with two kids in your lap, I'm so used to see you with just Caleb! Those are great pictures of Caleb. Nice action shot!

Johanna said...

I really like that picture of the three of you. It looks so cozy, and you look so natural with the two of them!

Anonymous said...

He is a sweetie-pie :) I love all the pics, but I really love the one of you three, like Johanna said, so cozy!!