Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fishy Lips and the Antique Highchair

Fishy lips! Shane cracks me up by doing stuff like this with Georgiana. He also makes her do the Macarena dance. It's hilarious!

She is smiling so much now!

And her legs are so strong! We're convinced that she's determined to walk before she sits up and crawls.

We went to visit my aunt and uncle near San Francisco this weekend. There is an antique shop right around the corner from their house. My aunt told me about this antique high chair that she saw, so we went to take a look. She knows the owner really well and he let us take it home to test it out and show Shane. The asking price was $130, but he had told her I could have it for $100. We looked up new ones on Amazon to see what we would be paying eventually, since we don't have a high chair. The plastic ones are $80-110 and the wood ones $130-140. After having it around for a few hours, I fell in love with it and felt that $100 was a good deal. It's solid oak and I love how the tray swings back and rests behind the chair. And Ana really liked it. Too cute!

So, my aunt went back the next day to see how low the guy would go, we were hoping $80. But, turns out that the chair was on commission for a lady who paid $350 for it 3 or 4 years ago! He said a few years ago, he was selling these "like hot cakes" for $300-400, but in this economy... well, the chair had been there for a while. My aunt and uncle ended up buying it for us! I'm such a lucky girl :) I'll have to make a cushion seat and back. I'll be going to Joann's this weekend with Kainoa. Woohoo! So, I'll get some padding then and hopefully (keep your fingers crossed for me!) I'll have some time soon to make the cushion.

Here it is all cleaned up.


Kainoa said...

OMG!!! I love the highchair! Anna looks SO happy in it too!!! What a great deal !!! I am sure you will have many years (and kids) to make good use of that beautiful highchair!!! Ana is looking absolutley ADORABLE!!!! I WANT ONE!!!!

Joanna said...

Very cute!! I really like the wood. don't you get sick of all the plastic on kid stuff?