Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More Calebisms

Normally I post funny stuff that he says. I figure if it makes me laugh out loud, it might make you guys laugh too... or at least smile. But, this one isn't funny. With all the frustration I experience with Caleb's strong will, he really is such a sweet and good boy. Like when I'm nursing Ana and need water. He always gets it for me. Not once has he complained.

This morning...

C: Mommy?

M: uh huh

C: Daddy went to work. So, that means you have to wake up.

M: uh huh

C: You see this number? (pointing to my clock) That means you have to get up now.

M: But I'm so tired... Ana keeps waking me up at night.

C: Would you feel better if I cuddled with you?

M: Sure. (smiling)

And as we're cuddling he says

C: I don't like to be lonely with no one. I like to be happy with someone.


Granny Lyn said...

That is so sad and beautiful!
He is so perceptive. Maybe a poet some day.
Yes, Marie needs a good cuddle. What a switch Naughty Ana and cuddly Caleb.

Johanna said...

That is too sweet. It is moments like that which make up for many other moments that we moms would like to forget sometimes!