Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I was going to post some adorable sleep-related pictures of Ana, but my computer is filled to da max with stuff and it won't let me. Boo. But, I'll just go ahead and tell you anyway, Ana is sleeping through the night! And she has been for about 2 weeks! I didn't want to say anything in case it was just a fluke.

We put her down between 7 and 8 pm and she wakes up between 5:45 and 7:45 am. And the best thing is that she doesn't cry when I put her down (unlike a certain little boy named Caleb who I'll remain nameless).

It's wonderful! Sleep is wonderful. And it's totally transformed my mood. Sleep is definitely not overrated.

You may have noticed I've been blogging a lot. It's because I've actually got time now! I have much more time to think also, which led me to make a new blog. You might not want to read it. Here's my description...

This is where I give myself permission to be angry, spoiled, whiney, obnoxious, or any other unbecoming mood that may strike me. If you want the censored Marie, go to my other blog.

I'll also be trying to post the recipes for the foods I make during the week there. I named it My Monica's Closet, cause it's going to be a catch all for everything I don't want on this blog. If you have no idea what a Monica Closet is, that probably means you haven't seen every episode of Friends. Monica is a neat freak and in one episode her husband, Chandler, breaks into her locked closet and it's full of junk. Everyone's got a Monica's Closet right? Unfortunately for Ana, it's her room right now. I need a bigger house :)

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