Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pacific Grove Beach

After church last Sunday we went to the beach to have a picnic. Except it was a little windy and Shane wanted to eat in the car. He doesn't share my enthusiasm for having a meal out in nature. I wonder if the reason I love having picnics is because I have such found memories of them when I was a kid.

My grandparents would take me to Ala Moana Beach Park. We would eat musubi (rice balls) and leftovers or maybe some Chinese snacks from Patti's Kitchen. My grandma and I would chat and feed the birds stale bread and my grandpa would take a nap. I miss them.

Caleb went out on the beach with me at first but ran back to the car because he got cold. Which is weird because he never complains of being cold.

So, I got to have a picnic by myself. Lucky for me, I think I'm tons of fun and I had a good time all by myself. :)

I took about 20 pictures trying to catch the water spraying over this rock.

The ocean is so beautiful and when I get home and look at the pictures I've taken, I'm always a little disappointed that it really doesn't capture just how beautiful it really was. I wish you all could have seen it for yourselves.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

The ocean is one of those things that you need an incredibly wide lens to take a decent picture and even then it doesn't do it justice. I'd have stayed out with you. I'd suffer through the windy, cold to have a picnic. 'Cause that's how cool I am. After that I'd probably have made you take me to Starbucks though.