Friday, October 31, 2008

West Coast Update

I thought I'd start updating everyone about our move to the California here on the blog instead of sending out lots of emails.

Shane finished updating his resume a few days ago and contacted the recruiter for a job opening in Monterey. She emailed him back last night and said that they were hoping to fill one of their positions internally, so he might be a good fit. By internally, we think she either means within the same company, or within the same section of his company. So, the recruiter forwarded his resume on to the hiring manager. We're thinking it's going to be a few days before we hear anything though.

One of the issues we're thinking might come up is that we really can't move until January and they could possibly want to fill the position a lot sooner than that. But, there is a possibility that we will compromise and pay the crazy exit fee for leaving our lease early because Shane really wants the job. Not only is it in our dream location (ok, well, it's really mine, but what's mine is his :), but the job is also exactly what Shane knows and does.

1 comment:

Kainoa said...

Wow, this is great news! I hope everything works out for everyone. Even if you have to break your lease, it will be good to move if Shane can get in right away, then you can be settled before the n ew baby arrives!