Here's the foyer, right when you walk in the front door. I love the way orange looks with aqua.
I still need to make a cover for the pillow on the chair. I bought these Amy Butler fabrics to make a cover. Hopefully I can tie the colors together nicely.

Here's the dining room.
And the living room. We are going to get a love seat and move the rocking chair into the nursery.
We were really tempted to get a new living room set. We've had this couch for about 8 years. The cover is a little newer at about 5 years old, but we've gotten really sick of it. But, furniture is so expensive and I really wanted to just make it work. So, here's my attempt. We're happy enough with it that we're just going to buy a matching loveseat from Ikea. But the cover will be white since it's cheaper. I can always wash it and a replacement would only cost $50.
This is really the only room that I am not very happy with. I need to change those pillows and I think the pictures are up too high. But, I've spent so much time already getting it to this point and I think the rest will just have to come slowly.
I finally got all the books out. Isn't it a bit ridiculous? I wish I could say most of those have been read. I put all my Japanese and Korean dolls and stuff out. I plan to fill the wall space with family pictures.
And this is my grandma dressed in the Okuda family kimono, which my mom still has. She was just a teenager then.
Besides cleaning the house up, I also straightened up my fabric. I folded and organized it all. This makes it's so much easier to use! It's really motivating.
My mom bought me these boxes (top left section of the bookcase) from Ikea and I'm using one to keep the pieces of a quilt I am making Shane's mom. I'm using the other one to keep small scraps of fabric. I'm using the ziplocks for small amounts of blocks. I have to make 100 of a certain block, so I have 5 ziplocks with fabric to make 20 blocks. That way, when I have a little time, I can work on it and have a small goal. It doesn't seem so overwhelming that way.
That is really cool, Marie! Your house looks very beautiful. I agree that the living room isn't really finished yet. You're making me feel like a real slacker. Thanks a lot. ;)
You are a slacker! I mean, look at all I did with NO kids and you have FIVE! ... uh, wait a minute...
I'll be interested to see how much I'll get done with just Ana for the next two weeks. At least she naps twice a day, so I'm thinking I'll be able to get stuff done still. But, we'll see.
By the way, I really like the picture of your grandma!!! And the box with the quilt pieces. NICE!
Oh, and I really like the orange fabric for the pillow!!!
I'm so envious of all your fabric! I've just started "crafting" and never have any fabric left over other than scrapes.
Someday I'll have my own little fabric collection!
I love the orange and teal fabric! Very cute!
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