Shane is back to work and it's just me and Ana today. She's taking a nap right now. I didn't realize how nice it would be to have the opportunity to spend so much time with just Ana. She really is getting a very different experience than Caleb did since he had Shane and I all to himself for 4.5 years.
When she gets up she likes to just lay on me for about 20 minutes or so. It's really sweet. And I'm surprised with how much easier it is to play with her. Not so much because she's a girl, but because she actually wants to play with the toys we have. Caleb was never interested. I think I've mentioned this about a hundred times, but it's because it still amazes me.
I'm also surprised at how calm and quiet things are. The first night that we sat down to eat, it was actually uncomfortable. Caleb adds so much life to everything. It was eerie how quiet it was. It's nice to experience it though. I think we will appreciate him more when he gets back. I hope I will be more patient with him.
I haven't taken any new pictures, but here's some I took right before they left.
Ana learned how to climb up on the stool. Now we have to hide it because that would be really awful if she fell and hit her head on the tile!
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