Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Baby, Don't Break My Heart!

I put Ana down to sleep every night at 7:30 pm. I sing her a song while she lays her head on my shoulder. Then I lay her down and unless she's really tired she cries for about five minutes before falling asleep.

But tonight? As soon as I walked into her room, she starts screaming! So, I realize that I forgot to let Shane say good night to her and figured she was upset about that. Well, she would not come back to me! And then when I ripped her (no exaggeration here) off Shane she started screaming bloody murder! I guess she knew she was going to sleep for the night.

I just had to lay her in her crib with no song. And she's still screaming and it's so sad. It just breaks my heart.


Rebecca Facas said...

Letting babies cry is the hardest thing! I def. feel for you!

Joanna said...

Oh I hate that. So sorry!!!

Anonymous said...

That is the hard part of being a parent.