Thursday, June 3, 2010

Termite Damage

Just found out that they started fixing all the termite damage on the house today and they will tent it on Monday! I can't wait to see it when it's finished. I should have taken pictures for you all to see. Well, there will still be some fence with termite damage, so I can post pictures of that later so you can see how bad it was.

It really doesn't bother me though. Maybe it's because I grew up in Hawaii and termites are a fact of life there. If you don't do anything to keep them at bay, they'll destroy everything. And we'll never let it get as bad as they let it. We actually love this house and want to take care of it.

There is a lot of fence to replace though and it will be a slow process. But, I'm just so thankful that my dad will be there to help us do it, so we don't have to waste money paying someone else. And isn't there something so satisfying about taking care of things with your own two hands? I'm actually excited to start.

1 comment:

Kainoa said...

That is great that they are starting to fix the termite damage..."lucky" we lived hawaii so you know what you are dealing with! It is nice to be able to do things on your own and also have your dads help since he is really good at building and refurbishing things. Its nice to have something of your own to take care of and grow old in. Cant wait to see the new place!!!! See you soon!